donderdag 27 maart 2014


House culture is not really a culture that you can witness on the streets. The house fans are not really a group with a political statement or different lifestyle except for the fact that they go to parties often. At these parties, the music is of course the main event. House music is composed and processed in studios. Mostly by only one artist. At the parties there is no live music as opposed to the rock parties. On a house party there is one DJ that plays all the music, mostly only about one to two minutes of every track. Of course there is drug and drink use on these parties but it’s not mandatory. People decide for themselves and the drugs are never the main subject of the party.
Mostly the people who go to these festivals and parties to house are young people who often like to dress scarcely. Not really a definition for a fashion style but it is really the only thing all their clothes have in common.
House has evolved through the years and became more and more expanded. The music became more full, gained more quality and the separate tracks became more and more different from each other. Now the quality is pretty much comparable to real life instruments.
The DJ uses a turntable for the playing of the music. This is a deck with two to six CD players or record players and one mixer in the middle to arrange which of the players are actually producing sound and are being heard by the audience. Nowadays they also often have effects like reverbs and loops on them and the DJ’s now have the possibility to use different parts from different songs to create one ongoing beat.
House has really influenced parties nowadays, the lights, large speakers and dj turntables are all very much improved or introduced to the public by the house scene.
The main reason house is so successful in The Netherlands is because the biggest DJ’s in the world originate from there. Therefore it’s cheap to go to one of their parties as they won’t have to be flown to the party and more people can get access to these great artists.


Balkan music originates from the southern Europe formally known as Balkan. Slovenia isn’t listed as Balkan countries, but there is seen a large influence of Balkan in Slovenian culture. There are many people that listen to Balkan music and as a result they dress, act and live their lives under the influence of Balkan. They are known for their aggression and for speaking their mind out loud. But that isn’t always the situation there are a lot of people that love Balkan and they aren’t so influenced by it. In the end we Slovenian people could be recognised as Balkan people not by geographic and religious reasons but by the youth culture. 

dinsdag 1 oktober 2013

More progress! Billboard ratings.

We have been comparing the billboard ratings of genres in The Netherlands and Slovenia.
For The Netherlands we have been looking for two top 40 lists. The two that were most different from each other.
One was the SlamFM top 40 because that's the one that is most popular by youngsters, the other one was the very objective top 40, the top 40 of all songs that were sold in The Netherlands in the last period.

Here are the results from the research in the Netherlands:
  1. Pop
  2. House
  3. R&B/Hiphop/rap
  4. Dance
  5. Indie
  6. Rock
The average number of these genres appearing in the top 40's was:
Pop:                          21/40
House:                      9/40
R&B/Hiphop/Rap:   5/20
Dance:                      3/20
Indie:                        1/20
Rock:                        1/20
(the other ones were accidental hits from underground genres and appeared less than 1/20)

We've done the same for the Slovenian Top 40's. We took some more radiostations because we were not sure what group they targeted. So in this way we would get the best image of the average Slovenian person.

Here are the results from the research in Slovenia:

  1. Pop
  2. Rock
  3. House
  4. R&B/Hiphop/Rap
  5. Folk
  6. Indie/soul/dance
  7. Indie/soul/dance
  8. Indie/soul/dance
  9. Jazz
  10. Reggae
And here are the ratings:

Pop:                          9,6/20
Rock:                        2,6/20
House:                      2,4/20
R&B/Hiphop/Rap:   2,2/20
Folk:                         0,8/20
Indie/soul/dance:      0,6/20
Jazz:                         0,4/20
Reggae:                    0,2/20

The progress

Hey everybody,
We've been researching our questions and have come up with some results.
We have been doing some surveys and in Menno's school these were the results.
The most popular genres on the Udens College are:
  1. Pop
  2. House
  3. Hardstyle
  4. Rock
  5. Dubstep
  6. Indie
  7. Hardcore
  8. Classical
These were rated by the students, the results were:

Pop: 9,1
House: 5,67
Hardstyle: 5,32
Rock: 5,25
Dubstep: 5,2
Indie: 3,74
Hardcore: 3,58
Classical: 2,84


Hello everybody, we are Tilen Ursic and Menno van Zutphen.
Tilen is from Slovenia and Menno is from The Netherlands. Tilen lives in Ljubljana and Menno in Uden.
Right now Tilen is still in The Netherlands and we've just been working for a week on our exchange project. When we started the project we were given a list of possible subjects. We both agreed that music was the subject that we both liked the most. So we chose music.
We decided that the research question would be:
"What is the lifestyle that has the most popular music in NL & SI"

Our subquestions are:
* What kind of music is popular  amongst young people?
* What kind of music is most downloaded in all of the Netherlands?
* What kind of music is best rated in Slovenian top 40's?
* What kind of life-style does the music originate from or does the music target?